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Family Law Attorney Serving Spokane County and Eastern Washington

The breakup of a family is one of the most painful experiences an individual can ever encounter.  Karen Lindholdt understands how stressful and difficult the legal process can be.  Her objective is to help you achieve your goals while minimizing the stress on you and your children.

Unfortunately the legal process is often lengthy and adversarial. Making decisions during this very stressful time can be challenging, and it is important to have a lawyer on your side who understands your goals and knows how to help you achieve them.

My family law practice includes the following areas:


Divorce is typically and painful and surprising event that can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and stressed-out.  The break-up of a family can have both significant emotional and financial impacts.  Whether your divorce involves disputes over custody of children, child support, or the division of property or debt, Ms. Lindholdt will provide you with effective and competent representation.  Ms. Lindholdt's extensive courtroom experience and knowledge gives her an edge that few lawyers possess.

Child Custody 


The break-up of a family is unquestionably the most painful situation a person will ever experience.  Ms. Lindholdt is well-qualified to provide advice, prepare and present your legal case, and find the best strategy to protect your rights and those of your children.

Child Support 

Receiving or paying appropriate child support is critical for raising children following the break-up of the family unit.  The amount of child support paid or received by the parties is based upon the incomes of both parties, and the age and number of children being supported. Ms. Lindholdt can assist you in determining a fair and equitable child support amount, and is experienced in determining a fair an appropriate imputed income amount if one spouse has been unemployed during the marriage. 

Division of Assets and Debts 

The division of assets and debts upon divorce can be complicated and overwhelming.  Ms. Lindholdt is experienced in locating and identifying marital assets and debts and ensuring a fair and equitable distribution upon dissolution.

Protection and Restraining Orders

Ms. Lindholdt is experienced in obtaining protection orders to keep ex-spouses and children safe during the pendency of the divorce proceedings.  She makes herself available to clients on weekends and evenings to meet the often urgent deadlines required by these types of proceedings.  

Third Party Custody 

Grandparents and other relatives sometimes need to step in to take custody of children if neither parent is fit or able to care for the children.  These actions are legally complicated and strictly regulated by the law and the State of Washington.  Ms. Lindholdt is experienced in utilizing witness and expert testimony in support of her client's goals for the residential placement of children.

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